Dipl.Päd. Erika Hacker
Fashion designer
Berufspädagogische Akademie Linz: creative and textile design
Int. Diplom Qi-Mag Feng Shui Consultant, senior master of taoist geomantic practice
International certificates of the « alternative university of the UN » teacher: Grand master Dr. Jes T. LIM; training in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Tenerife, Malaysia, China, Bhutan and Sri Lanka
Partner of the Vital-Energi Consulting GmbH
Authorized teacher Qi-Mag feng shui, geomancy and radiesthesia
Feng shui garden design, zen and taoist garden design for harmony and vitality
Vital energy for hotels and spas
Diploma preventive and complemetary natural medicine, Medicina alternativa Institute, the open international university (Alma Ata 1962 world health organisation)
Image consultant for colors and style by color me beautiful
Consulting activities since 1995: holistic consultant for feng shui, geomancy and radiesthesia for the energy conservation association of Upper Austria
Well-founded studies of the psychology of colors, behavioral science and art therapy
Seminars on personality psychology, feng shui, geomancy and colors