My Feng Shu
Basic training: Feng Shui 1, Feng Shui 2, Feng Shui Business
Consultant training:
- Feng shui landscape and building design
- Flying stars – LO SHU
- Mountain and water dragon
- TAO-Zen and feng shui garden design
- Feng shui teacher
- Feng shui logo design
Geomancy – Feng Shui study trips
- China
- Sri Lanka
- Spain
- Bhutan -Nepal
- Malaysia – Borneo
Qi-Mag Life and Health Coach
- Qi-Mag preventive and advanced health therapy
- Neutrakon 1 regression techniques
- Neutrakon 2 working with the line of ancestors
- TAO noetic healing
Vital energy concepts
- Vital energy hotel und spa design, Italy
TAO calligraphy
- Powerful symbols
- Taoistic Fu symbols
Image consultant for color and style
- Color me beautiful
- Color psychology
TAO Geomancy
- Knowledge and wisdom of the earth
- Land clearing and environment vitalizing
- Harmonization of negative historical burdens
- Tao geomancy 1, Teneriffa
- Tao geomancy 2, Sri Lanka
- Tao geomancy master, Borneo 2008
- Tao geomancy senior master, Sri Lanka 2014
- Tao geomancy grandmaster, Sri Lanka 2023